La Phazz - Ànima, Andorra Puppet Festival

The show is part of Ànima, the new Andorra Puppet Festival.
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The show is part of Ànima, the new Andorra Puppet Festival that comes to take the relay and experience of the traditional Encamp Puppet Festival, which this year celebrates its 22nd edition. The event takes a turn and bets on a wide range of shows opening the doors to new audiences, such as young people and adults.



Elliot’s imagination was so wonderful that it became the means to face his hostile reality. With it you could cross oceans, fly, stop time and even avoid fear. Grew and his imagination much more. Engulfed by the luminous world that had been created, he did not see that behind him were projected long shadows and beings that accompanied him for too long.


From 14 years.
Duration: 75 min.
Language: No text

Technical datasheet of the show:
  • Address: Julieta Gascón, Jose A. Puchades Putxa
  • Musical composition: Jorge da Rocha
  • Dramaturgy: Julieta Gascón, Jose A. Puchades Putxa
  • Set design: Laura Clos Closca, Sergi Corbera
  • Puppet Builder: Valentina Raposo
  • Lighting: Ganesha Gil
  • Sound: Pau Garcia
  • Costume designer: Claudia Fascio
  • Choreography: Julieta Gascón, Jose A. Puchades Putxa
  • Motion: Chey Jurado
  • Photography: Marc Costa
  • Video: Marc Costa
  • Executive producer: Bruno Valls (TàndemPro)

8 euros