Dracula: Lucy's Dream - Ànima, Andorra Puppet Festival

Inaugural show of the Andorra Puppet Festival
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The show is part of Ànima, the new Andorran Puppet Festival that arises to pick up the baton and experience of the traditional Encamp Puppet Festival, which this year celebrates its 22nd edition. The event takes a turn and focuses on a wide range of shows, opening the doors to new audiences, such as young people and adults.



Delve into the famous myth of Dracula from a totally different perspective. Director, actress and puppeteer Yngvild Aspeli has created a surprising visual adaptation inspired by Bram Stoker's story where the focus shifts to women.

The show shows the experience of Lucy's character and the fight against her inner dominion embodied by Dracula, who represents domination, dependence and addiction to a destructive force. It is a metaphor for control, both forced and desired, seductive and deceptive.

The audience will embark on an intimate and psychic journey into the ghostly universe that Lucy has built for herself, in which she has immersed herself and against which she fights.


From 14 years old.

Duration: 75 min.

Language: No text.


Technical datasheet of the show:
  • Directed by Yngvild Aspeli
  • Cast of Plexus Polaire: Dominique Cattani, Yejin Choi, Sebastian Moya, Marina Simonova, Kyra Vandenenden
  • Composició musical: Ane Marthe Sørlien Holen
  • Puppet production: Yngvild Aspeli, Manon Dublanc, Pascale Blaison, Elise Nicod, Sébastien Puech, Delphine Cerf
  • Scenography: Elisabeth Holager Lund
  • Video creation: David Lejard-Ruffet
  • Costume: Benjamin Moreau
  • Lighting and stage direction: Emilie Nguyen
  • Sound and video management: Baptiste Coin
  • Assistant directors: Thylda Barès, Aitor Sanz Juanes
  • Playwright: Pauline Thimonnier
  • Director of Production and Distribution: Claire Costa
  • Administration: Anne-Laure Doucet
  • Production and Distribution Manager: Noémie Jorez

8 euros