12th World Congress of Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism

Andorra celebrates 2024 the World Congress of Tourism, Snow, Mountain and Wellness, where Encamp will be the host parish. The working sessions of 20 and 21 March will take place in the Congress Center of Andorra la Vella, and on the 22nd will be a social and technical day to discover and know our territory.
El cartell del 12è Congrés Mundial de Turisme de Neu, Muntanya i Benestar..
El cartell del 12è Congrés Mundial de Turisme de Neu, Muntanya i Benestar.
  • 12th World Congress of Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism
  • 2024-03-20T09:00:00+01:00
  • 2024-03-22T18:00:00+01:00
  • Andorra celebrates 2024 the World Congress of Tourism, Snow, Mountain and Wellness, where Encamp will be the host parish. The working sessions of 20 and 21 March will take place in the Congress Center of Andorra la Vella, and on the 22nd will be a social and technical day to discover and know our territory.

Sustainability and well-being will be two key elements of the debates of the 12th edition of the World Snow and Mountain Tourism Congress, which this year introduces for the first time the term well-being in its nomenclature, thus becoming the World Congress of Snow, Mountain and Wellness Tourism.
The congress will be held on 20, 21 and 22 March 2024, where Encamp will be the host parish, and will feature more than twenty international speakers who will explore new trends in the sector focusing on the offer of sustainable experiences and welfare.
In this edition, which is expected the participation of more than 350 professionals of the tourism sector, first level professionals and multiple institutional representatives will discuss, during the two working days (20 and 21 March 2024)on issues such as sustainability as the development of the tourism sector, tourism diversification and the emerging tourism products of the future to respond to the new demands of travelers, the AI applied to the tourism sector, among others. It should be noted that the presentations and conferences will be held at the Congress Centre of Andorra la Vella, while the other activities (leisure, gastronomy, etc., will take place in Encamp).

Organized by the Government of Andorra and the Comú de Encamp, together with the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Congress also has the support of the other members and two main sponsors: Andorra Telecom as technology sponsor and Creand as silver sponsor.
The congress is an initiative of the seven Commons and the Government of Andorra, together with the UNWTO, with the intention of constituting a permanent forum for discussion on the development and sustainability of tourism in mountain areas. With a biennial periodicity, the first edition was held in 1998 in Escaldes-Engordany and, since then, each edition is organized in a different parish.

Wellness tourism

The boost that wellness tourism has made lately clearly shows the importance that the visitor gives to health and well-being. The tourist directly relates the sustainability of the destination with its tourist offer.
It is also of great importance to analyze governance and the best strategies to retain the workforce. The company needs to spread its values and give priority to the quality of services.
To address issues affecting mountain territories, the Congress will bring together international reference professionals to jointly discuss models and experiences promoted around the world.

The value of sustainability and well-being of mountain tourism

To address the main themes, the meeting will be divided into four sessions that will discuss health tourism, wellness and thermalism; the promotion and differentiation of mountain tourism; emerging tourism products; and the training of professionals in the sector, among other topics of general interest.

