You must declare to the customs all products in excess of your individual duty free allowance. Also there may be special restrictions on animals or vegetable products, live animals, endangered species, medicines, weapons and munitions, art and collectors pieces, currency, gold and means of payment.
- 1000 g of coffee or 400 g of extracts.
- 200 g of tea or 80 g of extracts.
(*) 1,5 l de liquors over 22 degrees or 3 l de liquors or aperitifs under 22 degrees or bubbly wine or 5 l of table wine.
(*) 300 cigarettes or 150 cigars (less than 3 g each) or 75 cigars (more 3 g each) or 400 g of pipe tobacco.
(**) Other agricultural products: Up to a value of 300 €. Not in excess: 2,5 kg of powdered milk, 3 kg of condensed milk, 6 kg of fresh milk, 1 kg of butter, 4 kg of cheese, 5 kg of sugar and sweets or 5 kg of meat.
- 75 g de parfumes and 375 ml of eau de cologne.
- Other industrials products: Up to a value of 900 €.
(*) Maximum quantities and imports per person, for these products persons under 17-years-old have no duty free allowance.
(**) For people younger than age 15 member states of the CE can reduce the exemption to half of the amounts specified.
Further information:
Custom house of Sant Julià de Lòria +376 841090
Custom house of Porta +376 755125